Grant Palmer Limited is an ambitious, family owned business established in 1999. From small beginnings, the business has grown to run a fleet of 40 buses on a network of local bus services and bespoke contracts, serving the communities of Bedfordshire, all run from a modern depot in Flitwick.

Our team of 50 drivers, 5 engineers and 4 cleaners is hand picked to ensure we can provide a friendly, approachable, but dependable service for all our customers. Our customers expect it of us. Keeping it local, and in the family, is one of the keys to our success.

Grant Palmer established the business in 1999.  As managing director he oversees the strategic development and operational performance of the business, ensuring we run a safe and dependable bus service for our customers.To this day, it's a locally owned and family run business, putting the needs of local people, our customers, first.Our team of 50 drivers are at the heart of our business, ensuring we deliver the best standard of customer care and reliability we can. 

The majority have many years experience driving buses safely, but we've also trained four local people as new drivers entering the bus industry for the first time, a key part of our strategy to deliver a bus network focussed on the community. We are also rolling out more training for our staff, and investing to improve the conditions we all work in.

Our in house engineering team of 6 staff, headed up by Phil Lambert, ensures that we are able to deliver the highest standard of maintenance and safety, exceeding the standards laid out by the Department of Transport.

Our Flitwick workship is fully equipped, with a range of diagnostic equipment, including emissions and brake testing.  Each of our buses gets checked before the operating day starts, and a regular programme of safety checks and routine maintanance is design to keep the wheels turning

Duty Managers Lee Jordan, Peter Nash, Abdul Noor and Sean Barnes work to provide the day to day management of the business, checking that our buses safely leave the depot on time each day, and that any problems or incidents that arise as the day goes on are quickly responded to.The duty management team is at the front line, using our investment in technology, such as a digital CCTV system and a radio/GPRS satellite tracking system to keep any eye on things.  

Emma Palmer is our customer champion.  If you have any comments, suggestions or concerns, you can contact Emma directly and she'll be pleased to help.  She's close to the MD, and can very effectively ensure that any problems get properly followed up on your behalf.